group of students

Here at Cedar Middle School, we have activities for the students every 2nd and 4th Wednesday during advisory. These activities are called Enrichments. Enrichment is for those who work hard to keep their grades up as well as good citizenship. Mrs. Hirschi, an eighth grade teacher and her advisory class, are in charge of planning each of the Enrichment activities. Each quarter, all of the students come up with their own ideas of what they think would be fun and then talk about it together. Once they decide on what will be best, Mrs. Hirschi will contact business/company about coming to CMS to share their expertise or experience. Some examples of visitors this past year are the SUU Animal Ambassadors, K9 Officers, TRIO, and Thomas Ballard with heart rocks. To get into these activities, each student has to fill out a paper and get a stamp of approval from their teacher. Mrs. Hirschi’s students will take turns collecting the papers and sorting them out by the teachers. 

Sometimes the enrichment activities feature groups from Cedar High School such as student council, Especially for Athletes, Theater group and CHS symphonic band and orchestra. Sometimes we feature CMS groups like our own percussion and jazz groups. The upcoming Enrichment that they have planned for us is actually the Cedar Middle School Theatre Program. They will be performing the play Annie. Over all, Mrs. Hirschi and all of her students contribute a lot into planning each Enrichment and CMS greatly appreciates them!

Written by Harley M. (8th grade)