The words Parent Teacher Conference

Parents and Guardians,

This week is parent teacher conference week.  Please be aware that students will dismiss at 1:30 every day EXCEPT Friday when school dismisses at the regular 12:40 time (you can find the bell schedule attached).  We understand that parents are extremely busy and are often aware of their students' progress in school due to powerschool and canvas.  Based on feedback we received in the past we have changed the way that we hold parent teacher conferences at CMS over the last few years.  This change allows us the time to meet with students that are at risk academically as well as gives parents the option to meet with teachers if they have questions or need a meeting.  We have three types of conferences available for parents and students this week.  

  • School Requested Team Meetings (Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday) - These team meetings were scheduled if your student is failing three or more classes and there is a concern for continued academic success or if there are other concerns.  The purpose of these meetings is to meet and make a plan for your students' success for the year.  If we feel that your child would benefit from a team meeting a form was sent home last week to schedule a time.  A follow up phone call was made if we didn't see the form returned to the school.  
  • School Requested Individual Meetings (Monday and Friday) - If your child is failing only one or two classes (for a reason other than a test that they are working to make up) a teacher should have reached out with you to schedule an individual meeting for next week to set up a success plan for that individual class.
  • Parent Requested Individual Meetings (Monday and Friday) - Parents can schedule a meeting with an individual teacher as needed by following the steps below.  Please note that teachers will be involved in team conferences Tues, Wed, and Thurs and will not be available for individual conferences those days.  If your student is already scheduled for a team meeting there is no need to schedule an individual meeting as all teachers will be at the team meeting.
    • If your child is in 6th grade and you would like to schedule an individual meeting please reach out to the teacher via email.
    • If your child is in 7th or 8th grade and you would like to schedule an individual meeting you can do so by clicking on the following link and scheduling through the PTCfast scheduling app  Once in the app you can select your child's teacher and view available times.  If there is not a time available on Monday or Friday please feel free to reach out to your child's teacher through email to schedule an alternate time 

We look forward to meeting with our students and parents next week.  As always if you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to reach out.