Man talking to students

Enrichment activities are planned twice a month on Wednesdays during advisory for students who have been keeping up in their classes and qualify to attend with no failing grades. Usually guest speakers or groups are invited to visit with these students as an enrichment activity. Last semester the TRIO group, K9 officers, Orchestra of Southern Utah and CHS theater group came to Cedar Middle School.

On January 25th during advisory, we were visited by a famous social media influencer, Oscar, who came to talk about how we are perfect just the way we are. He started singing for us, because that's what he’s famous for. His voice was beautiful. He talked about how he has a big nose, so that's what everyone “nose” him for. He started his “O show” on Facebook after covid quarantining as a way to reach people to give them hope and inspiration. Everyone enjoyed the enrichment, and it was the best enrichment activity ever. Special thanks to Oscar for coming to give us this amazing experience. Thank you to the enrichment student committee and Mrs. Vogelsberger for organizing this.

Featured story written by Anthony M. (7th grade)

Edited by Mrs. Neumann


students raising hands

k9 officer and dog

Woman and student by slideshow


students sitting in bleachers